
A scientific journal: “Sztuka Leczenia” (“The Art of Healing”) from the moment of its creation in 1995, emphasizes the interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the patients, recognition of their dignity, needs, expectations and possibilities. Such an approach requires interdisciplinary reflection on the state of medical and health sciences as well as the importance of the humanistic perspective on care and therapy.

The editor accepts for printing works in the field of science, such as medicine, health sciences, pharmacology, psychology, sociology, philosophy, nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, emergency medical services and pedagogy, public health, health promotion and prevention as well as therapy, diagnosis, psychosocial aspects of treatment and broadly understood medical care.

The editor accepts original papers (theoretical, research, clinical, experimental), as well as case reports and research reports, reviews of articles, reports from important scientific meetings, book reviews and letters to the editor, as well as reflections and memories about important persons, having a significant impact on the understanding of the “art of treatment” in the past and today.

The journal has the following sections:

1) Theoretical and review articles.

2) Empirical works and research reports.

3) Reviews and reports.

4) Letters to the editor, polemics and reminiscences

It is available in printed and electronic form.

Detailed information about the journal and published papers can be accessed freely on the website:

The journal has accreditation in the following databases: ERIH +; Arianta; CEJSH; EBSCO Publishing (Ebsco Discovery Service); Index Copernicus International (ICV); Polish Medical Bibliography (PBL); Polish Scientific Bibliography (PBN); POL-index and WorldCat.

Yours faithfully,
Editor in Chief „Sztuki Leczenia”
Joanna Bonior, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor

