Sztuka Leczenia

Wydanie: 2/2017

Spis treści

Od redakcji


Małgorzata Dziubak

Empatia i jej zmiany u studentek w toku kształcenia na kierunku pielęgniarstwo

Empathy and its changes in students during undergraduate nursing course

Empathy has positive functions in the pursuit of many professions, but it is an exceptionally important skill in professions that provide assistance to others, such as a nurse. In the nursing profession, empathy is considered one of the basic skills, which guarantees high quality of nursing care. The aim of the research undertaken as part of this paper was to assess the level of empathy in nursing students during education in undergraduate nursing course.
Agnė Jakavonytė-Akstinienė
Malcolm Hare
Jūratė Macijauskienė

Wiedza pielęgniarek i studentów pielęgniarstwa na temat zaburzeń świadomości oraz czynników ryzyka

Knowledge of nurses working in nursing departments and undergraduate students about delirium and its risk factors

To investigate knowledge of delirium and its risk factors among nurses working in nursing departments and undergraduate nursing students. A questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of nurses and nursing students related to delirium and its risk factors. The questionnaire was completed by 258 participants (149 randomly selected general practice nurses and 109 final year undergraduate students from nursing study programmes).


Zdzisława Szadowska-Szlachetka
Barbara Ślusarska
Marta Łuczyk
Grzegorz Nowicki
Bożena Baczewska
Robert Łuczyk

Zespół wypalenia zawodowego wśród pielęgniarek onkologicznych

Syndrome of occupational burnout among oncological nurses

Occupational burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors at work. The aim of the study was to determine the level of professional burnout in oncological nurses and their determinants based on literature review. Non-systematic review of Polish and English literature from years 2001–2017 has been carried out.
Joanna Sułkowska
Ilona Kuźmicz
Iwona Malinowska-Lipień
Jakub Lickiewicz
Marta Makara-Studzińska
Tomasz Brzostek

Znaczenie zastosowania porozumienia bez przemocy oraz coachingu w komunikacji z pacjentem

Importance of nonviolent communication and coaching in communication with patient

The aim of this paper is to present two approaches which give an opportunity to enhance communication between medical personnel and patient and his relatives or caregivers. The first term concentrates on a „nonviolent communication” as proposed by Marshall Rosenberg. The second one, described by Stephen Palmer and other authors, uses coaching methodology in the context of health education and promotion. In both approaches the crucial role is played by several important psychological skills as: feedback, non-judgement and emotion detection. It seems that inclusion of these both approaches could result in better communication and improves patient’s and his relatives’ or caregivers’ knowledge and satisfaction resulting from contact with the medical personnel.
Kinga Tucholska
Małgorzata Wysocka-Pleczyk
Bożena Gulla

Perspektywa temporalna jako czynnik ochrony zdrowia i ryzyka zaburzeń

Time perspective as a factor determining health care and the risk of disorders

The aim of this paper is to present the Time Theory by Zimbardo and Boyd in relation to health and health behaviours in adults. Particular perspectives and their mutual configurations are addressed both as an important resource, and as a potential disorder risk factor. A review of empirical research results and collecting the existing, although fragmented, data allows to propose specific practical applications. It is suggested that the individual time perspectives and the identified developmental trends should be taken into account in creating prophylactic programmes which are aimed at containing harmful behaviours and development of disorders, as well as promoting activities and attitudes facilitating retaining full psycho-physical health. Taking such measures can increase the effectiveness and longevity of possible interventions.
Agnieszka Ogonowska

Profilaktyka uniwersalna patologicznych form używania Internetu u dzieci i młodzieżyProfilaktyka uniwersalna patologicznych form używania Internetu u dzieci i młodzieży

Universal prevention of pathological forms of Internet use by children and adolescents

The purpose of this article is to provide information on the pathological prevention of Internet use in the context of new interactive digital technologies and the attributes of the digital generation. A separate presentation was devoted to systematic presentation and an integral concept of preventive actions in this area, which refer to three target groups: children and school youth; their parents and carers and employees of the education system, and are based on a specific consistent human philosophy that sets out strategies for prevention as well as general and specific goals. The prevention program presented in the article refers to the philosophy of personalism, systems theory, socio-ecological concept. Selected models also correspond with the theory of problem behaviors of Richard and Shirley Jessor, who grew out of long-term research on adolescents.
Patrycja Zurzycka
Katarzyna Czyżowicz
Teresa Radzik

Perspektywa intersekcjonalna w praktyce pielęgniarskiej - zarys problematyki

An intersectional perspective in nursing practice – an outline of the issues

Each category – either social or cultural – which potentially contributes to the discrimination of the individual, can enter into interaction with another category, which will result in a newly created intersectional discrimination. The intersectionality questions the traditional one-dimensional analysis of the health determinants in favor of an analysis of dynamic relationships among oppressions and privileges which affect human life. In the context of medical care system, the intersectionality assumes that both: the state of health and functioning of the system in the face of its disorders, result from the interaction of many factors, among which the patient is functioning. The intersectionality concept can allow nurses and other healthcare professionals to depart from perceiving the patient in a biomedical way, focused on the biological dimension of its existence, towards holistic approach to its functioning in the face of health, illness or disability and complex social and systemic issues.


Zdzisław Gajda

Monumenta Medica Cracoviensia

Rafał Olszanecki
Paweł Wołkow
Jacek Jawień



Michael Pantalon

Motywacja. Metoda sześciu kroków. Od oporu do zaangażowania. Jak odnaleźć ukrytą motywację?

Instant Infl uence. How to get anyone to do anything – fast!

Nowy Zarząd Towarzystw a Edukacji Psychosomatycznej (TEP). Sprawozdanie z Zebrania Zarządu TEP oraz Walnego Zebrania TEP

The new Board of the Society for Psychosomatic Education (TEP) Report on the TEP Board Meeting and the TEP General Assembly

Jerzy Korzewski rozmawia z profesorem Janem Łazowskim

Jerzy Korzewski talks with Professor Jan Łazowski

Recenzenci czasopisma sztuka leczenia (2017)

Reviewers of journal art of healing (2017)

Wskazówki dla Autorów

Guidelines for Authors